GatsbyJS is a React-based SSG that first debuted in 2015. Built by Kyle Mathews and fully open source, Gatsby upended the SSG ecosystem by combining best-practice front-end development techniques (route-based code splitting, PRPL, service workers, and offline support) with dynamic data integrations via a rich set of plugins (WordPress, Drupal, Contentful, MongoDB, etc.), queried at compile-time. Best of all was when Gatsby v1.0 shipped with connectors to PHP workhorse CMSs like Drupal and WordPress. Meaning that non-techies could still comfortably push content in the familiar way, while devs got to make use of React’s component model. Developers jumped on Gatsby like birthday kids on cupcakes: Gatsby is already in use by literally tens of thousands of developers, and downloaded nearly 500,000 times each month.
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